Ryan is the newest team member to Eddie’s Equipment Repairs
Ryan’s going into his 3rd year of his HD mechanic apprenticeship. He’s new to Comox Valley and comes all the way from Williams Lake! He thinks it rains here a lot .
Ryan’s old boss Mr.Peterson seems like a dope guy, and apparently he has a helicopter so topping his previous boss experience might be tough, but we are always ready for a challenge! #illgettwohelicopters #servicecopterscomingsoon
It’s been chaotic for basically 1/2 of Ryan’s career at EER, but he keeps on smiling and showing up ready to assist with anything we need. We appreciate all his hard work.
We’re excited for us and YOU to get to know Ryan more. He is HILARIOUS and a fun guy to work with so he’s fitting in just perfectly here.
Monday- Friday: 8:00-5:30
Saturday: 8-4:30
Closed on Sundays